Human Behavior
I just want to get somethings off my chest. I have noticed some bad and disturbing behaviour from people and I would like to know if it is just me or if anyone else has noticed this.
I live in Port Elizabeth. So I cannot say this is about South Africans as a whole. I feel it is more about human behaviour.
People that look down their noses at other people. If you don't hold a certain type of job. If you don't dress a certain way. If you don't have a certain income. If you don't live in a certain area. If, If, If.
I have been working in retail all my adult life. Even before that. I used to work in a shop weekends and school holidays. So there is nothing I have not experienced. Rude customers. Snobs. Ignorant and arrogant people.
Because I have realised that it is the ignorant ones that are arrogant. Gosh. Human behaviour is fascinating. You that know the least about anything is the loudest. But we were taught that at school. Remember. "Empty vessels make the loudest noise" and it is the truth.
Back to the point. I was unemployed since January last year. I recently started a job. Handing out pamphlets for a certain franchise. So it's new to me. I have never done anything like it. But I'm willing to try something once. And I love working, especially with people so, basically any job I get I take. That's me.
In any case here I am handing out my flyers. Being content that at least I have a job, then along comes Miss MTN, Miss Pick&Pay, Miss SPAR etc. just pushing past my hand. No, no thank you, just a strange facial expression that almost looks like disgust. I may be wrong about what the actual expression means.
Yes, you work inside the store. Behind a counter. Behind a desk or even a machine in a factory. You might even be a cleaner. Yet, you feel that you can treat me like dirt. Does that make your inferiority complex less? Does it make you feel better about yourself?
They have nothing yet...
Then you get the sun sitters. The couch potatoes. The walk in pyjamas all day. The my hair is uncombed but I'm in the street. Even they smirk at me as if they are better than me. I mean I have a job. An honest to God legitimate job.
Honest Living
I am not sitting on a corner or in front of a building asking for a cigarette or a R1 or anything. I have a job. I am not doing anything illegal. So why the hate? Why the attitude? Why try to make someone that is getting off their behind to earn a few Rands, feel bad.
Come now, people. Why do we try to keep one another down by hurting feelings. I know a few people personally that will tell me to my face how low class or common my job is. WOW. Even when I was a cashier some were like, oh my look where she works.
Life and Me
(Ok let me explain) I was one of the top achievers at my High School. Up until matric. I went to University on a scholarship and NSFAS. I was almost there. I had 20 credits short to get my degree. Then Everything went to hell in a handbasket. The Universities merged. My NSFAS fell away. I couldn't complete due to insufficient funds. So some people are genuinely shocked at where I am today because they know where I planned to be. But another lesson in life is that "Life happens when you plan other things".
Just because they can
Then there are just the snobs who generally think that they are better than you. Regardless. Yes, they completed Varsity. Yes, they have office jobs. Yes, they don't have to work because hubby can foot the bills. Great. Your life worked out for you. Count your blessings. That does not mean that you can treat anyone lesser. We are all human. We all have feelings.
So all those mean women out there. Stop making others feel bad to boost your own confidence and to make yourself feel better. Stop.
" Life is fickle.
" Nothing is certain"
." Things change".
"The wheel turns".
"Karma is a b_____".
"Everyone goes through seasons".
"Your time will come".
We all know these and we don't pay attention. They are true.
How must the average human feel positive and confident?. Happy even, that they at least have a job. That they can at least feed their children. That they are contributing to society in some way. The oxygen thieves behave as if they have more right to respect. "Those that are neither use nor ornament".
If we all try a little harder to treat the next person with respect, it is the first step to being a better person. It is immensely difficult to keep treating someone with respect that continually disrespects you. I know. Been there, done that. And then I stop and ignore you. It doesn't' make it right but try is the operative word. If someone proves that they do not deserve your respect let them go. It's not worth your energy. Every job deserves respect because you don't know that persons' situation. How they got there. Why they are doing that job? etc. Think before you put people down.
If we lived our life thinking of others the world would definitely be a better place.
Think about it. (Just my opinion on a tragic situation)
Let me know what you think.
Until next time.
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