My son passed grade 8. I did not doubt his ability to pass. I doubted the school system of this year. This year was both long and short at the same time. It was extremely long for me because I was home all day, everyday. The school year was too short by far. It is truly a miracle that he passed. The books were nearly empty except for Math. I was stressed out as if I wrote exams. But I am happy for him and myself. I tried my best to get him additional support like tutoring It helped but not by a lot. It was touch and go.
You must understand the transition from Grade 5 to 6 would have been difficult enough in a normal year. The workload, the environment, the entry into adolescence. New subjects thrown in like Accounting and so on. Then throw in the time not at school(home schooling). The schedule when they eventually returned to campus. I completed matric in 2001. Everything is different. My goodness even the subject names are changed. I still get confused. And I dropped Math and Science like hot potatoes. I ran and never looked back. So I had to get outside help for those. But it was still by the skin of his teeth.
I am proud of him. I know he studied and I know he tried. CONGRATULATIONS my boy. Even though I nearly gave him a heart attack by telling him he failed. You are going to grade 9.This year was a learning curve for all of us and it will continue next year. So now we know better and have all the tools and necessary actions in place to start off with a bang despite what is going on in the world around us.
As a parent you want your child to succeed in all things. My stress was related to his reaction if he failed. How was I going to get him through the disappointment and heartbreak. I don't think I would have known where to start. My heart breaks when my children are hurt. Just like every parent out there. How do we do it. Protect them from all the world's hurt and disappointment. I explained to him that if you fail a study subject it means you didn't understand it and you didn't study. If he failed Math, Science, Accounting you did not understand. If you do not understand you supposed to tell the teacher, your parents so plans can be made to help you. Those subjects are tricky. If you lose your way now you will be lost forever. If help is not given.
I got lost in accounting is Standard 6 as we knew it. I only found my way back in Matric when I reached out to a friend. She put me back on the right track. Can you imagine, I received awards for nearly every subject. If I had spoken up earlier, Accounting would have been included perhaps. Who knows. All I am saying is the world is constantly changing. I love my comfort zone but I realize it's time to get out of it. We must do everything humanly possible to help our children succeed. I would have appreciated some extra help in some things and areas.
So let us go above and beyond for our children without spoiling them. Let us give them the necessary tools and guidelines to make responsible decisions. Let us have discussions outlining consequences for even simple actions like not studying or not studying properly.
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