Have I been doing my job?
This is just something that's been on my mind a lot recently. I have been wondering if my children are equipped to deal with this life. And if I have been doing my duty as a mother. So I decided that I need a reminder. Sometimes we get caught up in our own lives we forget that we are responsible for little people. Maybe someone will find it useful so I decided to share.
- Love your children and always tell them and show them.
- Teach your children. Talk to them.
- Guide your children in this tumultuous unpredictable world.
- Teach them to love God and to know that He is always there.
- Teach them that family is the most important thing there is.
- Teach them manners. Hello and Goodbye. Please and thank you.
So, they will be welcome anywhere.
- Teach them table manners so that they can be taken anywhere.
- Teach them to help people in need or in trouble. Next time
it could be someone they know, and nobody helps.
- Teach them morals and principles. Loyalty, Honesty,
Integrity, Love, Empathy etc.
- Teach them that they should love each other as siblings.
- Teach them to work hard for what they want and not to expect
others to hand it to them on a silver platter.
- Teach them that life is not fair.
- Teach them that they will be hurt by people closest to them.
- Teach them that they must not give up ever. When life knocks
you down you must get up.
- Teach them that they can make a difference.
- Teach them to always strive for more. To never settle.
- Teach them to smile. You don’t know who's day you will make
better or whose life you’ll save with a smile. It costs nothing.
- Never ever let your child doubt your love for them.
These are just the thoughts that keep flooding my mind. Now that I have more time I am bombarded with thoughts that could not make their way through before. It feels as if my brain was underwater all the time and finally I can think straight again. It's strange because all the time I thought that I was doing just that. Thinking and using my brain. Apparently, I was not.
They are just my opinions
Thanks for reading
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